Release Notes July 2022

Date: July 5, 2022

Time: 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM EST

We are pleased to bring you our latest release! You can find information on new features, improvements, and bug fixes below.

:rocket: What’s New at GigLabs

Collector Score

Our new Collector Score feature allows you to optionally set a specific amount of points for each listing you mint on the platform. Your users can now collect points when purchasing NFTs, giving them further incentive to repeatedly interact with your brand. Their total score will appear on the My Collection page, in the Navigation bar, Profile dropdown, and Listing page. Additionally, our brand partners can use this feature as the basis for loyalty programs in the future.

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Filters by Traits and Badges on Snapshots & Groups

You can now filter NFTs by traits and badges when selecting NFTs for Snapshots and Groups. This feature enhances the user experience by allowing our brand partners to refine their searches better.

Share NFT Listings on Social Media

With this release, users can share their NFTs on various social media platforms. From the My Collection page, users can click the share icon and easily share directly to Facebook, Twitter, or Reddit or copy a link to their NFT to share anywhere they wish. Additionally, the post includes a preview image of the NFT.

Updated CMS Navigation Bar

This release includes various improvements to our navigation bar. Many of the navigation items have been updated to align with the functionality. The changes include the following:

  • We removed our Products top-level navigation item and replaced it with NFTs and Utility
  • NFTs now include Listings, Packs, Traits, and Groups
  • Utility now includes Snapshots and Airdrops
  • We added a new Reporting menu that includes our new analytics dashboard.

Analytics Dashboard V1

This release introduces our Analytics Dashboard with Global Primary Metrics. With these metrics, you can track your Total Revenue, NFTs Sold, Packs Sold, and Unique Buyers. Additionally, you can filter by series and a date range.

Version Number to Marketplace and Dashboard

This release has applied version numbers to our Dashboard, Marketplace, and APIs. We use the MAJOR.MINOR.BUILDNUMBER versioning format (1.0.123).


:wrench: Improvements & Enhancements

  • Improved our modifiers feature to ensure that Price and Early Access modifiers are honored in the marketplace.
  • Updated the Listing page in the primary marketplace to display discount and early access modifiers.
  • We’ve added traits to token detail pages in My Collection.
  • Updated the schedule timing for Hero Images from hourly to 15-minute increments in the UI to be consistent with Listing/Pack creation times.
  • We've improved our server alerts for jobs, so we're informed when any job on the server fails, takes longer than its usual run time, or is delayed. This enhancement enables us to better monitor and quickly respond to server issues as they occur.
  • Updated the Groups and Series filters in the primary Marketplace to function as an AND instead of an OR. For example, when a user selects a Series followed by a Group, it sub-filters items from the selected series rather than displaying a series OR a group.
  • We’ve added several new tracking events for sharing listings on social media and traits.
  • Improved the UI of the Featured section so collectors can see updated listing quantities in real-time.
  • This release also adds the Traits feature flag options to the Marketplace > Theme menu in the CMS.
  • We've made various improvements to our CMS APIs.
  • Improved performance for several API routes
  • To improve clarity, we’ve added tooltips and renamed the following fields in Advanced Settings for Redemption type listings:
Previous Field NameNew Field Name
Use Redemption SecretKeep URL Secret/Unlisted
Private RedemptionGate Access By Email Address
Claim URLURL for Email Redemption*
Redemption URLURL for Direct Redemption*

*Added tooltip

:beetle: Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where HTML links didn't auto-scroll properly to the element when Banners were enabled on the homepage.
  • Fixed an issue in the P2P Marketplace where the Filter and Badge dropdown controls didn’t display when Expand Listing UI was enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where additional images were removed when updating a listing via the API.
  • Resolved an issue where 3D image types could be added as preview images when creating a Listing, though they are not supported.
  • Fixed an issue where newly created Snapshots were unable to be deleted.
  • Fixed some issues with custom server wallets.
  • Resolved issues impacting role permissions.
  • Resolved issue where banner links were redirected to an undefined page.
  • Fixed issue where in some cases, Blocto wallet listings appeared in the Market place for Dapper wallet users.
  • Resolved an issue where the CMS didn’t display changes when a user uploaded a CSV template with the same file name for a second time.
  • Fixed an issue where adding Traits via CSV caused a white screen if the column headers were capitalized.